WELCOME to our Club
St Timothy has been a tennis club in Catonsville, MD for over 65 years.

"Friendly Club in Catonsville, MD"
Our season generally runs from mid April to mid December of each year. Playing hours are from 9 am to dusk, 7 days a week.
We have about 100 members and we welcome new members. There are 5 har-tru clay courts. This surface is softer than hard courts and easier on the joints.
Why Choose Us
We provide a friendly atmosphere and are conveniently located near midtown Catonsville, MD.
Club History
Long history of physical excellence

Back in 1955 and 1956 Grace Hobbs always said 'we need to clean up those weeds and trash piles on those fine old tennis courts', per her daughter Torie.
In the May 31, 1956 issue of the Herald Argus it was announced that five tennis courts would be refinished by the first of June if enough residents showed interest. The vestry of the church chartered the organization to be known as the St. Timothy's Tennis Club. To this day we still owe the church a big thank you for their continued cooperation in allowing us to survive all these years.
The Argus, on June 14, 1956, announced that the tennis club would officially open the coming Sunday, June 17, at 2 p.m. with an exhibition match with 11-year old Mac Pardew and 15-year old Ted Linzey and officiated by Frank Roberts.
Stated in the 1959 by-laws: Family Membership $23.00, Adults $18.00 and Juniors $12.00.
- President
- Wm. Warren Taylor
- V. President
- Mrs. Leonard Hobbs
- Secretary
- Margaret P. Chapman
- Treasurer
- John J. Burger
- 1st Teaching Pro
- Frank Dickson
- 2nd Teaching Pro
- Emile 'Mickey' Mohler
The first officers of the club were
Our Junior Tennis Club numbered 92, one of the largest groups in the area. Little league play, established by Robert Stahl started on July 10, 1956.
In 1956 the five clay courts were covered with a new product called Har-Tru from Hagerstown and in 1984 all five courts were redone entirely, including an underground sprinkler system.
Names of some of the prime movers to start this new tennis club were: Grace Hobbs, Margaret Chapman, Dan Kirby, and Mrs. Herman Cook.
Other notable first time members to name a few: Bendann, Cullen, Schlag, Develin, Doug Moore, Tansey, Axelby, Price, Rathman, Nolan, Howell, McGill, and many more.
Club Rules
- Members are to limit the times of play when others are waiting. Doubles can play for 1.5 hours and singles for 1 hour. Players are to sign in their start times and court used on the white board. Tournament, Interclub and USTA league matches can continue until they are completed.
- Non-members can play as a guest of a member. Cost is $5 per visit. Please use the guest card to sign in. The member who sponsors the guest will be billed periodically. Non-members can play up to 5 times per season and thereafter must join.
- Please use the designated parking area that is marked along the fence. Do not park on the Women's club parking lot.
- When a sign is posted on the gate, the nets are down or there is a chair on the court(s) this is an indication that the courts are not playable.
- Proper tennis attire is required. Tennis shoes are only allowed on the har tru clay courts. Please do not wear cleated shoes or shoes with big indentations.
The club shall be called the St. Timothys Tennis Club and it shall have as its object playing tennis on the courts located on the property titled in the name of the vestry of St. Timothys Episcopal Church, Catonsville, Maryland.
Section 1: It is recognized that the use of the courts by said Tennis Club shall be subject to approval of the aforesaid vestry.
Section 2: The aforesaid vestry will not be responsible for any debt incurred by the tennis club or on its behalf.
Section 1: Members of the St. Timothys Tennis Club shall be divided into the following classifications:
- Family Membership. Such membership includes husband and wife and their children through 18 years of age.
- Adult Membership. Such membership includes any individual 19 years of age or older by January 1 of the year during which the membership is held.
- Junior Membership. Includes any individual under the age or 19.
- College Student Membership. Includes any individual under the age of 23 attending college.
- Honorary Members are defined as member units who are elected to such status by the Board of Governors. They hold membership in perpetuity, without payment of dues.
Section 2: Qualification for membership and procedure for becoming a member
- Anyone of good reputation recommended by a member of the Club, and seconded by another member, may apply for membership to the Membership Committee.
- An applicant becomes a member upon written approval by the Membership Committee, and upon payment of the initiation fee and one years dues.
Section 3: There shall be no more than 150 adult and family membership units simultaneously.
Section 4: Membership shall be continued from year to year unless:
- The member resigns
- The members dues are 60 days in arrears
- The member is expelled for cause by the Board of Governors.
Section 1: Initiation fees and annual dues will be stipulated in Amendment 1 of the By-Laws. They can be changed only through the procedures established for amending the other bylaws except that such changes need not be reviewed by the vestry.
Section 2: Special assessments may be levied for special purposes under the same procedures established for changing initiation fees and annual dues.
Section 1: President. The President shall preside at the meeting of the Club and at the meetings of the Board of Governors. The President shall be ex-officio, a member of all committees: he shall have general over site of the different departments and see that they are conducted with efficiency and fidelity, and he shall perform such other duties as the Club or the Board of Governors may, from time to time, assign to him.
Section 2: Vice President. The Vice President shall discharge all of the duties of the President as herein described in the event of the absence or inability of the President to act. He or she shall be Chairman of the Grounds Committee.
Section 3: Vice President for Mens Affairs. The Vice President for Mens Affairs shall see that activities and programs involving primarily male players are efficiently run. Such activities include mens tournaments and mens teams engaging in inter-club play.
Section 4: Vice President for Womens Affairs. The Vice President for Womens Affairs shall see that activities and programs involving primarily female players are efficiently run. Such activities include womens tournaments and womens teams engaging in inter-club play.
Section 5: Membership Chairman. The Membership Chairman shall send invoices for membership dues, assemble and distribute the club roster, receive membership applications, notify members of the election to or suspension from the Club, and serve as Chairman of the Membership Committee.
Section 6: Secretary. The Secretary shall record and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Governors and shall issue notices of meetings. The Recording Secretary shall further perform such other duties as the Board of Governors may designate.
Section 7: Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge of and be responsible for all funds, receipts and disbursements of the Club, and shall deposit, or cause to be deposited, in the name of the Club, all monies in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall, from time to time, be selected by the Board of Governors, and shall disburse fund under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Board. He shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, adequate records of all assets, liabilities and financial transactions of the Club. The Treasurer shall make, or cause to be made, a report of the finances of the Club at every regular meeting of the Board of Governors and at the Annual meeting of the members. He shall cause to be mailed to the membership a copy of the Annual Report of the financial condition of the Club as of the close of its fiscal year. The Treasurer shall give security bond as the Board of Governors may require.
Section 8: Board of Governors. The governing body of the Club shall be the Board of Governors, which shall consist of the officers of the Club, as listed in this Article, and the chairmen of the standing committees, and three members elected at large. The Board shall be responsible for formulating and promulgating all standing rules it deems necessary for the by-laws, and shall perform all other duties assigned to it by these by-laws. The outgoing President shall automatically become a member of the Board of Governors for the years following the cessation of his or her term of office. He or she shall be replaced by any future past presidents once they are no longer in office.
Section 9: Tenure of Office
- The tenure of all elected officers, including the treasurer, shall be one year from date of election or until successors are elected and qualified.
- In the event of resignation or inability to serve of any elected officer, the interim vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board of Governors, adhering in such appointments to the special requirements for each officer as specified in these by-laws.
Section 1: Voting Privileges. Each family member unit, and each adult and junior membership unit shall be entitled to one vote.
Section 2: Election of Officers. The elected officers of the Club (President, Vice President, Vice President for Mens Affairs, Vice President for Womens Affairs, Membership Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President, and three Members-at Large of the Board of Governors) shall be elected by majority vote of the Club Members present at the Annual Membership Meeting.
Section 3: Nominating Procedures
- Nominating Committee: The President shall appoint, with the consent of the Governing Board, a nominating committee at least thirty days prior to the Annual Meeting of the Club for the purpose of preparing a list of nominees for officers to be elected, in accordance with these By-Laws.
- The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least two members of the Board of Governors, and at least three members of the Club at Large, not members of the Board of Governors.
- The Nominating Committee shall select and mail to members, at least fifteen days prior to the annual election a list of nominees.
- Supplemental Nominations: Nominations other than those put forward by the nominating committee may be made by any adult member. Such nominations must be mailed to the membership at least five days prior to the annual elections. Those making the nominations are responsible for notifying the secretary so mailings can be done by the required date.
Section 4: Voting on Motions. All motions put before a membership meeting shall require a majority vote of the club members present to be adopted. Voting Privileges shall be in accordance with Section 1 of this article.
Section 1: The President, subject to confirmation by the Board of Governors, shall appoint the following committees:
- Membership Committee: This Committee shall be appointed to receive, investigate, review, and act upon applications for membership in the Club in accord with criteria and procedures established by the Board of Governors.
- Grounds Committee: This Committee, subject to the authority of the Board, shall have full charge of the courts and ground of the Club and their maintenance, and shall superintend all improvements and alterations thereof.
- Program Committee: The Vice Presidents of Mens and Womens Affairs shall be the co-chairman of this committee. Three other members of the Committee shall be appointed by the President. The Committee shall, under the authority of the Board, plan and carry out an active program for the club membership, including the employment of a club professional, arrangement of tournaments, exhibitions, etc.
- Junior Program Committee: This Committee shall be responsible for planning and carrying out the Junior Program of the Club.
Section 2; In addition to the foregoing committees, the President, subject to confirmation by the Board, may from tine to time appoint such other committees as may be deemed necessary.
Section 1: The Annual Membership Meeting of the Club shall be called by the President to be held between January 1 and March 15, the date to be determined by the President. Written notices of the meeting shall be sent by the Secretary, or by a designee, to all members 15 days in advance of the meeting.
Section 2: Special meetings of the members of the Club may be called on 5 days notice, in writing, by the President, or on request, of not less that 10 per cent of the membership units entitled to vote, or a majority of the Board. Notice of special meetings shall state the time, place and business to be transacted.
Section 3: A majority of the members present at annual and special meetings are empowered to transact all business of the Club, including amending the By-Laws.
Section 1: These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of a quorum of members, as defined in Section 2 of this article, at a meeting at which any amendment is to be acted upon. No amendment shall be considered at any meeting unless the substance of the proposed amendment shall have been communicated to the members of the Club in writing at least ten days prior to the date of the meeting.
Section 2: For purposes of this article, 15 membership units or 10 per cent of the current membership units of the Club shall constitute a quorum of the membership of the Club.
Section 3: In the event a quorum of the members is not present at any meeting called for purposes of amending these by-laws, voting on the amendment(s) shall be carried out by letter, within two weeks after the membership meeting called for this purpose. The stipulation as to a quorum given in Section 2 of this article shall apply in this event.
These by-laws are to become effective immediately upon the passage and adoption of the same by the members of the Club.
The most recent fees for membership in the Club are as follows:
- Adult Membership: Initiation fee $25.00
- Adult Membership: Annual dues $280.00
- Family Membership: Initiation fee $25.00
- Family Membership: Annual dues $320.00
- Guest Fees: $5.00 per visit
- Junior Membership: Annual dues $25.00
Revised at the March, 6, 2010 Annual Membership Meeting by a vote of the membership.